Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm so sorry this is sooo late, I got called into work at like 8am this morning and didn't have time to post it before I went in!

Ok... sorry again for it being Late.
Vanishing Point... Wow. Really thats all I have to say about this movie. haha Just Kidding but it was really just wow.
First can we just talk about Super Soul? He was my FAV character in this movie. He was so full of life, and he didn't let anyone tell him "no". He wanted to do things the way he wanted them done. And even after the police caught him listening in on the scanners, there was nothing they could do about it all. He was so strange. He had like ESP with Kowalski, its kind of that blind 5th sense that gets portrayed alot in movies. I LOVE IT!
Ok, then Kowalski. He was soo messed up in the head. He had so many problems happen to him in life, and he didn't know how to deal with all of them. I think that was the reason why he wanted to just drive, and do it so fast. It helped him forget everything bad that has happened to him. We said in class that he was an everyday man, but something tells me that he really wasn't. I mean not that he was a famous guy or he had a lot of money, or anything like that. But he's had more bad things happen to him in his life than the everyday man. He just kept getting Shit on by his own life. He was a loser in his life, he never did amount to anything. He lost races, his job, his wife, he fought in a war.
The road represented life in so many ways. Not just his own but everyone elses too. It sybolized freedom, and going where you want to go. But it also symbolized rules and limits to even your own body. He tried to break all these rules. He was "sticking to the man", he wanted to not have athority in his life, and just do whatever he wanted. And even in the end, he pushed his own body the the limit by killing himself. I can't imagine what goes on in your head right before you kill yourself. He had to have so many mental problems.
Then there was the naked girl on the bike. I think that she was a big part to this movie because she represented what he wanted to be. She was so free and careless. She was naked on a motorcycle in the middle of the desert living in a shed. I mean how much more free can you get than that? I think that she was what he wanted to be, but he didn't see it. He couldn't get past the part of driving fast to slow down and take control of his own life. So in the end he had lost all control of his life. He would have had nothing left if he would have stopped that car. He would have been in jail with the lowest amount of freedom a person can experience. He had nothing to lose by killing himself because he had nothing left to do.
Thats all for now... Again... I'm sooooooo sorry this is so late.


  1. I love Super Soul too!! I love his radio show and the fact that he's been creeping on the police transmissions so he can do those live-action stories about Kowalski. I was so pissed when the police broke into the radio station and harassed them =( But I think that just reinforces the "freedom" Kowalski's driving towards, not just for himself but for everyone who's not happy to let The Man tell them what they can/can't do in life.

  2. Supersoul was great. I loved how calm his intro to the film, just a blind guy walking around the empty streets to the radio station. And then the next time we see him, he's jumping out of his seat, talking all crazy and dancin'. Great contrast there.

    I too wondered what the heck must be going through Kowalski's mind right before slamming into the bulldozers. I think you said it, there was no other option for him, he had nothing else to do. But seriously, he knew for at least a mile or 2 that he was about to slam his car into a wall. But I'll tell you what, he went out on his own terms, full speed.

  3. Do you really think he was 'sticking it to the man?' How exactly does driving a car into a bulldozer accomplish that? Also, considering what he himself did for a living in his past, do you think that he really has issues with The Man? Or is it something else? Also, do you think that it was more that he had mental problems, or that the society around him was screwed up?
