Thursday, March 11, 2010

La Dolce Vita

Ok, first I'm going to start out with saying how stupid some girls can be. If the guy doesn't love you and tells you he doesn't love you, get out of the car and move on with your life. The end of the movie where Marcello and that woman were in the car and he said they had been bickering for like 4 hours I wanted to freak out. I agree he shouldn't have hit her, and yelled at her so much but Man! Ok, I'm done with that tid bit.
Next I'm going to add that I really didn't understand this movie. I guess I was getting confused between all the females that were in the movie. It seemed like in the beginning of the movie everyone loved Marcello, he had all these woman after him, all of the Paparazzi always following him. But at the end of the movie it all went down hill. He had no woman, he had seemed like he lost his own mind at the party.
I really have nothing else to say about it. I didn't see the connections between the beginning scene and the ending scene. I really am drawing a blank about anything else about this movie. I don't know. This movie is really hard to talk about, expecially because we didn't get to talk about it in class. I was so lost all throughout the movie and had absolutly no idea what it was trying to say to me. I'm sorry that this is such a bad Blog, but help is much needed and would be greatly appreciated if someone could just help me out.


  1. I know! That part with the car really bothered me too. I was like... just walk away already! And Marcello even said something like "just get a trunk driver to pick you up, slut". Ugh. I wouldn't want that in my life, but I guess it works for them!

    I got lost between all the women in the movie too, especially the two "main" women Marcello's with... the one that tried to kill herself and the one that he went driving with in the beginning were two different women and I didn't get that until halfway through. So yeah, it's not just you.

    I'm not totally sure about the connections between the first and last scenes either. You should read Eric's blog, though, I think it would help you out with what happened! I focused a lot on the religious stuff in my blog.

  2. You don't sound lost at all. Your description is really good. But here's a question--you say that everyone likes Marcello at the start and at the end he has nobody, really. Which is very true. But what was the quality of his relationships at the beginning? And what do you think led to the changes at the end?
