Saturday, February 27, 2010

Homosexual Undertone?

I watched the movie Orpheus and the only homosexual relationship was between Heurtebise and Orpheus. Because of how Heurebise always followed Orpheus around, and when Orpheus was being forced out of the underworld backwards it was awkward how Heurtebise was reaching out to him almost like he was trying to catch him and bring him back. That was the only homosexual undertone that I could find in the movie. But it doesn't make sense because Heurtebise seemed to be in love with Orpheus' wife, which may be Bisexual but I'm not sure. I think that we were looking wayy too hard in the movie looking for homosexual undertones. I don't think that Orpheus falling in love with Death seemed to be homosexual at all. I didn't catch on to the whole Death usually being a male role therefore Orpheus is gay because he fell in love with the woman role...? I didn't get all of that. Death was a woman in the movie, and thats what I portrayed her as.
I did love the idea of Orpheus falling in love with Death though. After he met her, his life had changed, he became obsessed with the car radio and he was really mean to his wife. From the moment he saw her in the Cafe I knew he was in for an adventure. When Cegeste died in the car and she took him through the mirrors, I knew that she was Death. Which made it ironic that he was chasing "Death" the whole movie. I didn't get that they loved eachother until the scene that she was standing above his bed watching him sleep. But when she looked at his wife, I knew that she was going to do something to get rid of her. Also it was funny when he kissed her in the underworld, because then I knew he was going to die. Because you can't "kiss death" and live. Right?
I could be wrong about the whole thing. But these are the thoughts that I had. Take them or leave them I suppose.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Femme Fatale

I really enjoyed this movie. I loved how in the beginning of the movie Dr. McRae said this is wasn't really a Femme Fatale movie because Laura was already dead when we come into the movie. I really fell for it. I thought that she was dead. Then after she came back, I realized that she is so much like a Femme Fatale. She gets all of these men to love her for her beauty. Not one of them knows who she is, or what she even wants out of life. They just fall for her because she is beautiful and she doesn't need to show them anything about who she is. She is just a shiney object to them, and it doesn't even seem like she cares. She is a very fake character, throughout the whole movie I didn't trust something about her. The way she has mulitple men, the way she lied about the radio not working, the way she didn't act very suprised about the murder in her apartment.
Once again, I'm not very good at this whole film lingo. I did like the idea that was talked about in class about the triangle concept. Once we talked about it, it made alot more sense to me. The dynamic of having Laura, the portrait, and McPerson in a triangle shape on the screen made him "closer" to the portrait. He wasn't in love with the alive Laura, he was in love with the idea of Laura. Also, right before that I loved the shot of him asleep with the bottle of liqour right by his face, that was when I thought that it was just a dream when she walked in.
I suppose that is all for now.